First off, GOOD MORNING. I've already been up for 3.5 hours and it's only 9:30. Yes, I actually went to the 7am cycling class at the gym. I really cant believe I did it, seeing as I w
Last night a couple of us went to the Godfather since it was playing on the big screen at the Queens Film Theater. I had never seen it. Well I attempted to watch it when I was about 10 years old, and lets just say I didn't make it past the horse scene. If you've seen it, you know. But ya, what an awesome movie. I'm not usually really into gangster movies, but I guess there's a reason why that is known as one of the most epic ones of all time. Anyways, I didn't sleep a whole lot last night.
Alarm went off at 6am and off I went to the gym! It doesn't really get light out here until about 8am, so it was still dark as night gets. The gym is about a mile away so I ended up running there because I was a liiiiiiittle scared. Belfast at night probably isn't the safest place in the world (even though 6am hardly is night). Anyways, Party in the USA came up on my iPod, and I was at the gym before Miley could finish doin her thang.
good morning physical education centre:
Oh, speaking of hidden messages, Arnold is quite the funny governor hahaha
So yes, now I'm home and showered and eating as delish breakfast.
>Cut up little apple
>half banana
>generous spoonful Almond butter
>1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
>flax seed
>Rooibos tea :)
>Also had a hardboiled egg, which isn't here. word.
And now I'm thinking of curling back up in bed for an hour before I have to meet Patrick and Linsday for the airport.
There are also a couple of also awesome things that happened this week that totally slipped my mind when I was updating before.
#1) Wine and Cheese Society Event
So one of the many reasons that Queens University in Belfast is cooler than Northeastern: it has a wine and cheese club. ooo lala. The first event of the year was at this African Art Ga
Ardrahan: Type: Pasteurized Cows Milk, Washed Rind, Veg. Taste: Nutty, Salty, Creamy, Pungent- need we say more! This is a cheese lover's fave.
These are my hawt friends. left to right> Antonia (Wales), Anna (France), and Anna (Sweden). Get in line fellas.
Yep, good times. From a different perspective however, it was also really weird. We were all white, financially comfortable students at an African Art Gallery, looking at pictures of children living in poverty, while sipping on expensive wine and indulging in piles of cheese.
Something is twisted with that.
Okay this is about the time in the post where I start to get bored with updating. But I'll stay strong.
#2) Belfast Arts Fest
So every year, the city of Belfast has a huge arts festival that lasts throughout the month of October. Dozens of events are held around the city: art exhibits, plays, concerts, speeche
I don't really have any good pics from either events, but to the right is the jazz band. Both events were fun, but it would probably be worth it to just buy a ticket so that you can actually go and enjoy it with your friends. Sometimes really awesome things are hard to appreciate when you have no one to share them with.
Mmmmmmmmm Okay. there are probably more things to do and say, but my bed is calling my name. One last pic: my awesome dinner last night before the movies. All I had was really random vegetables in my locker, and I wanted to use them before going away for the weekend. Anna also had some spinach tortellini that she wanted to use up, so I stole a few pieces of that as well :)
Sweet potato and chick peas, zucchini eggplant mushroom asparagus red pepper onion in tomato sauce
Well I'm going to see you soon in Amsterdam
I can't believe I can get there but I can, man
I hope when I see you that you're still likin' who I am, I am
but if you don't baby well I'll still tell you that I understand
I'll tell you
I I I understand
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