Time certainly has flown since the 21st birthday extravaganza.
It's currently 8:15 in the morning and I'm getting ready for the day. You know it's going to be a good day when it starts with oatmeal and presents :)
So yes, I opened the gifts from the family, and they were great :) very cute. They sent over socks (because i never wear them hence why I CANT STOP BEING SICK), the PS I love you soundtracl (???? was my reaction too but then i realized the movie is set in ireland, haha cute), bracelets, a cool scarf from this craft shop in peteborough, LOTS of swan chocolates, and some shepard fairey OBEY stickers to litter Belfast with before I go. Jack also sent over an arrowhead that he picked up while working in Bryce Canyon this past fall, so cool!
I also got an envelope w/ some cash (already converted to UK pounds! my parents are the greatest), so instead of my afternoon classes I"m going shopping downtown :)
The wine and cheese club is having a black tie holiday gala next week so I'll go find me a new dress or something awooo
then tonight anna anna and i are going to see Lily Allen in Dublin! I don't know much of her stuff but I've been listening to her more and more lately cause she's huge here. I dig a lot of her stuff so I'm pumped. And look! She has a whole song called 22. hot damn.
I couldn't embed the real music video, but this gets the point across :)
So yea! I'm off to Genetics now (yeaaa i'll actually go to one class today...).
Do I look different?!
THEN (circa 1993?):
subtle differences only